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Sol Juárez (IEGD-CCHS) ha obtenido la calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude por unanimidad con Mención Europea en su tesis doctoral titulada: Qué importa del peso al nacer. La paradoja epidemiológica de los inmigrados en la Comunidad de Madrid [What matters in Birth Weright. The epidemiological paradox in immigrants residing in the Autonomous Community of Madrid]. La tesis fue dirigida por los profesores...

Despite currents migration trends towards population centers, agriculture remains one of the most important staples of human culture, as these centers are dependent on a constant food supply. Computational Methods for Agricultural Research: Advances and Applications brings computing solutions to ancient practices and modern concerns, sowing the seeds for a sustainable, constant food supply. This book treats subjects as old modeling 11ood patterns and predictiog potential climates to distinctly 21 st century topes such as pesticide leaching models and the impact...
