Recent trends in agricultural, food and rural development research contemplate extending the scope of analysis from strictly agrarian topics toward subjects related to the whole agri-food system, as well as the sustainability of the rural areas in their several human and environmental dimensions. Public policies pay growing attention to the need for reaching sustainability in all human activity levels. The European Union (EU) has especially stressed on this aspect through the successive reforms of its most emblematic policy: the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Through the introduction of agri-environmental, quality and of food safety policies, further emphasis on this development is expected. Moreover, the ongoing debates within the EU point to the enhancement of these policies. These and other related issues constitute research targets in the present line where are participating researchers belonging to diverse and complementary disciplines, and having large and recognized experience in the different aspects to be developed in the line. The contribution to different components of the line by the participating research groups is depicted in the following thematic axes: - The study of agricultural policies will be carried out through sectoral models for the analysis of the effects of agricultural and environmental policies of the CAP. - The study of agri-food systems mainly focuses on the innovation and integration processes along the food chain, the impact of economic globalisation and trade liberalisation on national and supranational agri-food systems, as well as the changing competitiveness and sustainability drivers within food supply systems. - The study of the human dimension of the territory takes into account the direct relationship established between human capital and different territorial functions and their economic sectors, becoming this “factor” the leader and main beneficiary of territorial development.

Centro / Institutos: 
Institute of Economy, Geography y Demography (IEGD)