Group of Studies on Asia and the Pacific (GAP)

This group studies Spain’s projection in Asia and the Pacific from a historical perspective, as well as the colonial and postcolonial processes, international relations, and contacts and interactions between societies that helped shape this area.

This line of research was initiated more than twenty years ago by the researcher in charge of the group. Since 1995, it has been further developed thanks to the close collaboration with a research team at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). This collaboration was formalized in 2007 with the creation of an Associated Unit to jointly promote studies on Asia and the Pacific. Work was also contributed by teachers from other universities, both in Spain and abroad, who are integrated into the research projects led from the CSIC. The development of this line of research is also enhanced by participation in other international projects that reinforce the capacities of this group at the CSIC.

Within this framework, and in connection with different research projects, this group conducts research, promotes knowledge and organizes scientific activities on the following questions:
•    History of the Philippines and of the relations between Spain and the Philippines
•    Colonial and Postcolonial Processes in Asia and the Pacific
•    National Construction in Asia-Pacific
•    Contacts and Interactions between societies in Asia and the Pacific
•    Relations between Spain, China and the Philippines
•    History of International Relations in Asia and the Pacific