María Teresa Castro Martín

Email: teresa.castro [at]
Phone: (+34) 916022385
Extensión Interna: 441148
Office: 3E16
Profesora de Investigación de OPIS
Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía
Departamento de Población
Group: Grupo Dinámicas Demográficas

User main profile

Scientific Output

Teresa Castro Martín completed her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1990. From 1990 to 1996, she worked as a Population Affairs Officer at the United Nations Population Division, and in 1996 she joined the Spanish National Research Council, where she is currently a Research Professor.

Her research focuses on the causes and consequences of lowest-low fertility and latest-late union formation in Southern Europe, on global changes in family patterns, and on the linkages between conjugal, reproductive and work biographies among young adults. She is also interested on sexual and reproductive health issues in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa and on HIV/AIDS prevention.

Her work has been published in Archives of Sexual Behavior, Demographic Research, Demography, European Journal of Comparative Family Studies, European Journal of Population, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Genus, International Family Planning Perspectives, Population and Development Review, Population, Space and Place, Studies in Family Planning, Population, among others.

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