Mª Teresa Martín García

Email: teresa.martin [at] cchs.csic.es
Phone: (+34) 916022312
Extensión Interna: 441143
Office: 3F17
Científica Titular de OPIS
Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía
Departamento de Población
Group: Grupo Dinámicas Demográficas

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Scientific Output

Teresa Martín García held her PhD in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute in Florence (2005) and is also Doctor-member at the Juan March Institute in Madrid (2006). She has been Visiting Fellow at the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Moncalieri (Turin), I3P Research Fellow at the CSIC (Madrid) and research assistant at the European University Institute (Florence). She has also been visiting researcher at the Department of Sociology in Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Rostock). She has been part-time associate professor at Suffolk University (Madrid) and visiting professor at Pompeu Fabra University, where she has taught courses on Sociology of the Family and Social Demography. She is author of different chapters and articles on fertility, the (new) family formation process in Western societies, the delay in the transition to adulthood, the intertwining of the education, work and family biographies for both women and men and the new role of men in family dynamics. Her work has been published in European Sociological Review, Demographic Research, European Societies, Population and Development Review and Genus, among others. She is currently a tenured scientist within the research group on Demographic Dynamics at the Center for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS) of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Madrid.

Curriculum Vitae: