Tomás García Azcárate

Email: tomas.gazcarate [at]
Phone: (+34) 916022382
Extensión Interna: 441146
Office: 3F19
Científico Titular de OPIS
Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía
Departamento de Economía y Geografía Aplicadas
Group: Sistemas Agroalimentarios y Desarrollo Terroitorial (SADT)

User main profile

Scientific Output

Current Post: Senior Scientist in the Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography (IEGD-CCHS) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Previous Academic jPost. From 01/09/1999 to 31/08/2016 : “Maître de Conference”  on Common Agricultural Policy, first in the European Study Institute (IEE-ULB) and then in the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBSEM)

Previous working experience at the European Commission (From 01/11/1986 until 31/08/2015) in DG AGRI.

2014/15: Coordinator of the European Milk Market Observatory

2010/2013: Economic Adviser responsible for coordination of short term economic analysis on agricultural markets

2005-2009: Olive oil and horticultural products unit. Head of Unit.

2001 -2005: Fresh and processed fruit and vegetables unit. Head of Unit.

1997-2001: Analysis and overall approach unit: Head of Unit.

1996 – 1997: Analysis of the situation of agricultural holdings: Acting Head of Unit

1990 – 1995: Analysis and overall approach unit (since February 1992 as Acting Deputy Head of Unit)

1986 – 1990: Oilseeds, proteins and dried fodder Unit


1986:  Researcher in the Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography

1981-1986: Lecturer on Agricultural and European Economy and policies.  Madrid. Polytechnic University (UPM)


1984:  PH.D in  Agricultural Economics – Polytechnic University Madrid (UPM)

1981: Agricultural Engineer, specialist in Agricultural Economics – UPM


2009: Stanford Business School. Interpersonal Dynamics for High performance Executives Program

2006 :    Harvard Business School: Agribusiness Seminar

2005      Instituto Internacional San Telmo: Alta Dirección de Empresas de la Cadena Agroalimentaria ADECA

2004      London Business School. High Performance People Skills

1984      Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Master  in Foreign Trade

Academic  activities

In addition to many Spanish universities and the French speaking Free University of Brussels; Yale and Michigan State University (USA); Bolonia (Italy); ENA (France), Sciences-Po (Paris), IHEDATE, Paris I, AgrosSup Dijon, Institut Polytechnique de Beauvais, Agroparistech (France)….

Scientific reviser for several Spanish agricultural economy reviews, Economie Rurale (France), Interciencia (Venezuela), Revista de Economía Internacional (Colombia); Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants;

Related awards

2014: Officier de l'Ordre du Mérite Agricole (France)

2014 until now: Member of the Board of the French Ecole Nationale de Formation Agronomique (ENFA)

2013 until now: President of the Spanish association of Agricultural Economists

2012: Instituto de Cuestiones Agrarias y Medioambientales Award

2009: Member of the French Académie de l'Agriculture

2008: Member of the Italian Academia dei Georgofili

2006: Almeria Quality Award

2005: COEXPAL Award

2004: Chevalier” of the French Périgord Strawberry

2002: Spanish Agricultural Order of Merit