Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega, J. 2019. Sostenibilidad de las áreas protegidas en España: Naturaleza, población y economía, Madrid, CSIC-Ed. Catarata.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega, J. (Eds.) 2018. Sustainable Territorial Management. Environments, MDPI, 214 pp. ISBN: 978-3-03897-212-9; 978-3-03897-213-6
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Sebastiao, J., Salvo Tierra, A.E., Martínez-Vega J. 2019. Effect of protected areas in reducing land development across geographic and climate conditions of a rapidly developing country, Spain. Land Degradation & Development 30(4)
Vilar, L., Garrido, J., Echavarría, P., Martínez-Vega, J, Martín M. P. 2019. Comparative analysis of CORINE and climate change initiative land cover maps in Europe: Implications for wildfire occurrence estimation at regional and local scales. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation 78: 102-117,
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega J. 2019. Analysing subtle threats to conservation: A nineteen year assessment of fragmentation and isolation of Spanish protected areas. Landscape and Urban Planning 185: 107–116.
Mili, S., Martínez-Vega J. 2019. Accounting for Regional Heterogeneity of Agricultural Sustainability in Spain. Sustainability 2019, 11(2), 299
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega J., Echavarría, P. 2019. A twenty year GIS-based assessment of environmental sustainability of land use changes in and around protected areas of a fast developing country: Spain. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation 74: 169–179.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega J. 2018. Representation and protection of threatened biodiversity by the largest Spanish regional network of protected areas. Endangered Species Research 35:125-139.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega, J. 2018. Protected area effectiveness against land development in Spain. Journal of Environmental Management 215:345-357.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega J. 2018. Effect of legal protection and management of protected areas at preventing land development: a Spanish case study. Regional Environmental Change.
Garrido, J., Vilar, L., Echavarría, P., Martínez-Vega, J, Martín M. P.2018. ¿Pueden las interfaces de usos del suelo explicar la ocurrencia de incendios forestales a escala provincial? Los casos de Zamora y Madrid. GeoFocus 22: 71-95.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega J. 2017. Assessing recent environmental sustainability in the Spanish network of National Parks and their statutory peripheral areas. Applied Geography 89: 22-31.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Ibarra, P., Martínez-Vega, J., Echeverría, M., Echavarría, P. 2017. Fine-Tuning of a Protected Area effectiveness evaluation tool: implementation on two emblematic Spanish National Parks. Environments 4. 68.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Ibarra, P., Echeverría, M., Martínez-Vega, J. 2017. Perceptions, attitudes and values of two key stakeholders on the oldest and newest Spanish national parks. Environment, Development and Sustainability
Martínez-Vega J, Díaz, A., Nava, J.M., Gallardo, M., Echavarría P. 2017. Assessing Land Use-Cover Changes and modelling change scenarios in two mountain Spanish National Parks. Environments 4. 79;
Melendo-Vega JR, Martín MP, Vilar del Hoyo L, Pacheco-Labrador J, Echavarría P., Martínez-Vega J. 2017. Estimación de variables biofísicas del pastizal en un ecosistema de dehesa a partir de espectro-radiometría de campo e imágenes hiperespectrales aeroportadas. Revista de Teledetección 48: 13-28.
Vilar L, Gómez I, Martínez-Vega J, Echavarría P, Riaño D, Martín MP 2016. Multitemporal Modelling of Socio-Economic Wildfire Drivers in Central Spain between the 1980s and the 2000s: Comparing Generalized Linear Models to Machine Learning Algorithms, PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161344. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161344
Gallardo, M., Martínez-Vega, J. 2016. Three decades of land-use changes in the region of Madrid and how they relate to territorial planning. European Planning Studies 24(5):1016-1033.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega, J. 2016. What should be evaluated from a manager's perspective? Developing a salient protected area effectiveness evaluation system by managers and scientists. Ecological Indicators 64:289-296.
Martínez-Vega, J., Samir, M., Echavarría, P. 2016. Assessing forest sustainability: Evidence from Spanish provinces. Geoforum 70:1-10.
Gallardo, M., Gómez, I., Vilar, L., Martínez-Vega, J., Martín, M.P. 2016. Impacts of future land use/land cover on wildfire occurrence in the Madrid region. Regional Environmental Change 16(4):1047-1061.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega, J., Tempesta, M., Otero-Villanueva, M.M. 2015. Limited uptake of protected area evaluation systems among managers and decision-makers in Spain and the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Conservation 42(3):237–245.
Martínez-Vega, J., Gallardo, M., Echavarría, P. 2015. Satellite images and teaching of Geography. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography 1(4): 55-66.
Gallardo, M., Martínez-Vega, J. 2018. Modeling land-use scenarios in protected areas of an urban region in Spain, In: MT Camacho Olmedo, M Paegelow, JF Mas and F Escobar (Eds.) Geomatic Approaches for Modeling Land Change Scenarios, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer,, pp. 307-328.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega. J. 2018. A Centennial Path Towards Sustainability in Spanish National Parks: Biodiversity Conservation and Socioeconomic Development (1918-2018), In: Nazip Suratman Mohd (Ed.) National Parks. Management and Conservation, IntechOpen, Available from:, pp. 99-122.
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., Martínez-Vega, J. y López, I. 2017. Eficacia de las Áreas Protegidas de España como política de sostenibilidad territorial: el proyecto SOSTPARK. En: A Serrano-Sanz, C Marcuello Servós, JD Gómez Quintero y P Marí-Klose (Eds.) Políticas públicas y sociales: globalización, desigualdad y nuevas insurgencias, Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 197-208.
Martínez-Vega, J. 2016. Innovation and new technologies for research and education in Geography. In: Spanish Committee IGU (2016). Crisis, globalization and social and regional imbalances in Spain. Spanish contribution to 33rd International Geographical Congress. Beijing 2016, pp. 177-186. DOI: 10.7419/162.02.2016
Arovuori, K., Horne, P., Kniivilä, M., Mili, S., Pyykkönen, P., Martínez-Vega, J. 2015. Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry in Southern Mediterranean Countries: Policy Impacts and Challenges. In: Petit, M. et al., (Eds.) Sustainable Agricultural Development, Switzerland, Springer, Cooperative Management, pp. 255-288,