Editor of special issues of indexed scientific reviews:
Sanz-Cañada, Javier and García Azcárate, Tomás (eds.) (2020). Paisajes, patrimonio y gobernanza territorial de los sistemas agroalimentarios locales, Estudios Geográficos, (81) 289 (10 papers)
Sanz-Cañada, Javier; Belletti, Giovanni; Rytkönen, Paulina (eds.) (2018). Territorial Governance of Short Supply Chains in Local Food Systems, AGER Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies, 25, 11-127 (4 papers).
Rytkönen, Paulina; Sanz-Cañada, Javier; Belletti, Giovanni (eds.) (2018). Localized Agrifood Systems: Governance, Market, and Environmental Issues, Agriculture (11 papers).
Sanz-Cañada, Javier (ed.) (2016). Local Agro-Food Systems in America and Europe. Territorial anchorage and local governance of identity-based foods, Culture & History Digital Journal, 5 (1): e001 to e009. (9 papers).
Sanz-Cañada, Javier and Muchnik, José (eds.) (2011). Ancrage et identité territoriale des systèmes agroalimentaires localisés, Économie Rurale (revue de la Société Française d’Économie Rurale), nº thématique, nº 322, 1-83. (6 papers).
Muchnik, J.; Pichot, JP.; Rawski, C.; Sanz-Cañada, J ; Torres-Salcido, G. (eds.) (2008). Systèmes agroalimentaires localisés, Cahiers d’études et recherches francophones / Agricultures, nº thématique, vol.17, nº 6, nov.-déc. : 505-636 (14 papers).
Author or editor of books (since 2010):
Delgadillo Macías, Javier and Sanz Cañada, Javier (eds.) (2018). Sistemas agroalimentarios locales de proximidad en contextos rururbanos de México y España. México DF, Eds Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 277 p. (ISBN: 978-607-30-0973-7).
Sanz Cañada, Javier; García Brenes, M. David; Barneo Alcántara, Manuel (2014). El aceite de oliva de montaña en Jaén: Calidad y Cadena de Valor. Jaén: Ed. Instituto de Estudios Giennenses, 161 p (second prize, Fundación Caja Rural Awards 2014). (ISBN: 978-84-92876-48-8).
Méndez Gutiérrez del Valle, Ricardo and other 12 authors, among them Sanz Cañada, Javier (2010), Estrategias de innovación industrial y desarrollo económico en las ciudades intermedias de España”. Bilbao: Ed. Fundación BBVA, 605 p. (ISBN: 978-84-96515-96-3).
Torres Salcido, Gerardo; Sanz Cañada, Javier; Muchnik, José (eds.) (2010). Territorios rurales. Pobreza, acción colectiva y multifuncionalidad. México DF: Eds. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 388 p. (ISBN: 978-607-02-1986-3).
Publications: selection of indexed articles
odríguez Sousa, A.A.; Barandica, J.M.; Sanz-Cañada, J.; Rescia, A.J. (2019). Application of a dynamic model using agronomic and economic data to evaluate the sustainability of the olive grove landscape of Estepa (Andalusia, Spain), Landscape Ecology, 34 (7): 1547-1563. doi: 10.1007/s10980-019-00773-3
Sanz-Cañada, Javier; Belletti, Giovanni; Lagoma Gutiérrez, Cristina (2018). Politics and territorial governance of food consumer groups in the district of Lavapiés, Madrid, AGER Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies, 25. Doi:10.4422/ager.2018.16
Sánchez-Escobar, Florencio; Coq-Huelva, Daniel; Sanz-Cañada, Javier (2018). Measurement of sustainable intensification by the integrated analysis of energy and economic flows: Case study of the olive-oil agricultural system of Estepa, Spain, Journal of Cleaner Production, 101: 463-470. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10082640
López-Pintor, Antonio, Sanz-Cañada, Javier, Salas, Ernesto; Rescia, Alejandro J. (2018). Assessment of agri-environmental externalities in Spanish socio-ecological landscapes of olive groves, Sustainability, 10 (8), 2640; doi:10.3390/su10082640.
Pensado-Leglise, Mario; Sanz-Cañada, Javier (2018). Valorización de una Indicación Geográfica Protegida. El caso de la carne de la Sierra de Guadarrama, España, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 9 (3); doi: 10.22319/rmcp.v9i3.4329.
Torres-Salcido, Gerardo y Sanz-Cañada, Javier (2018). Territorial governance. A comparative research of Local Agro-Food Systems in Mexico, Agriculture, 8 (2): 18; doi:10.3390/agriculture8020018
Coq-Huelva, D.; Sanz-Cañada, J.; Sánchez-Escobar, F. (2017). Values, conventions, innovation and sociopolitical struggles in a local food system: Conflict between organic and conventional farmers in Sierra de Segura (Spain), Journal of Rural Studies, 55: 112-121.
Rescia, Alejandro J.; Sanz-Cañada, Javier; Del Bosque-González, Isabel (2017). A new mechanism based on landscape diversity for funding farmer subsidies, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37:2 (article 9).
Sanz-Cañada, Javier y Muchnik, José (2016). Geographies of Origin and Proximity: Approaches to Local Agro-Food Systems, Culture & History Digital Journal, 5(1): e002.
Belletti, Giovanni; Marescotti, Andrea; Sanz Cañada, Javier; Vakoufaris, Hristos (2015). Linking protection of Geographical Indications to the environment: Evidence from the European Union olive-oil sector, Land Use Policy, 48: 94-106.
Sanz-Cañada, Javier; García Brenes, Manuel David y Barneo Alcántara, Manuel (2015). Value chain and typicity analysis in Jaén mountain olive oil, Spain, New Medit, nº 3/2015: 50-60.
Coq-Huelva, Daniel; Sanz-Cañada, Javier y Sánchez-Escobar, Florencio. (2014). Conventions, Commodity Chains and Local Food Systems: Olive Oil Production in "Sierra de Segura"(Spain), Geoforum, vol. 56: 6-16.
Cendón, María Laura; Sanz-Cañada, Javier y Lucena-Piquero, Delio (2014). Differential quality and technical / managerial advice relationships in olive oil protected designations of origin, en Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 12 (4): 869-888.
Muchnik, José; Sanz-Cañada, Javier y Torres-Salcido, Gerardo (2008).- Systèmes agroalimentaires localisés: état des recherches et perspectives, Cahiers d’études et recherches francophones / Agricultures, vol.17, nº 6: 513-519. (125 citations, Google Scholar)
Sanz-Cañada, Javier y Macías-Vázquez, Alfredo (2005).- Quality certification, institutions and innovation in local agro-food systems: protected designations of origin of olive oil in Spain; en Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 21, pp. 475-486. (154 citartions, Researchgate).