Webinar: "Fixed-term labor contracts and entering fatherhood in Spain"

Mon, 05-07-2021; 00:00
Otras sedes

Evento online a través de Zoom

Participan: Stanislao Mazzoni (IEGD-CSIC), William Addessi y Diego Ronchetti

Using data from the 2018 Spanish fertility survey, we investigate the relationship between men's position in the labor market and the transition to first birth. Both theoretically and empirically, we show that having a stable or an unstable position matters at any age. We pay particular attention to fixed-term labor contracts that may provide the current period's financial resources but uncertainty about the future. We apply different econometric techniques and find that fixed-term workers behave more similarly to not working men than workers with permanent contracts or self-employed workers in terms of having the first child. We explain the differences in the time of first birth by the dispersion of preferences for fatherhood and the different labor positions.

Organiza: IEGD-CSIC

Webinar: "Fixed-term labor contracts and entering fatherhood in Spain"
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