Research Group on Aging (GIE-CSIC)
Researcher in charge: Vicente Rodríguez Rodríguez
The Research Group on Ageing - CSIC (GIE-CSIC) was established in 1989 at the Institute of Economics and Geography, to face the analysis of the ageing of the Spanish population which began to be considered in those years as a subject of significant social importance. Group members agreed (i) to contribute to the scientific research on ageing in Spain, which has resulted in an extensive curriculum (projects and contracts, publications, participation in various scientific and outreach activities), and (ii) to interact with other social research lines, disciplines and groups. Several lines of research have been profiled to follow researching on ageing in Spain as well as to accept the predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows training, both Spanish and foreign.
Currently, the GIE-CSIC research lines serve the interests of researchers and need to face the social aspects regarding the Spanish population ageing:
- 'Ageing and residential strategies' line analyzes the process of ageing at home and other forms of residential mobility according to the life course.
- 'Ageing and quality of life (QOL)' line aims to determine the Quality of Life dimensions for older people through a holistic model to discover relevant components, satisfaction achieved and determinants of the different domains.
- 'Ageing, health and dependence' is founded by the growing number of older persons and their implications (fragility and dependence, increased illness and health problems with age) and by the changes in the family structure (role of women and its social and economic-care-dependent elderly, pensions and health budget).
Additionally, GIE-CSIC is developing the portal Envejecimiento en Red (Network on Ageing), an information system on older people in Internet, aimed at academics, professionals and society in general, and at improving care policies for the elderly, and, SigMayores, a geo-portal offering social resources information for seniors in Spain (day centers, telecare services and home help) to display their geographical location. Finally, the scientific horizontal action, The Longitudinal Ageing Study in Spain (ELES), is conceived as a national longitudinal study to track cohorts of population 50 years and older at baseline, to analyze the ageing process in its multidimensional aspect. Also inserted in the Strategic Axis 'Ageing and Quality of Life', CSIC.
Related webs:
- Programa ENCAGE-CM
- Proyecto ELES (Estudio Longitudinal Envejecer en España)
- Envejecimiento en red
- Envejecimiento [en-red]. Blog del G. I. sobre Envejecimiento
- sigMAYORES. Servidor cartográfico de recursos sociales
Dept. of Population