Martín García

Investigadora Científica de OPIS
Dpto. de Población
Grupo Dinámicas Demográficas
916022312 / Extensión interna: 441143

Redes sociales


Teresa Martín García is a Research Scientist in the Research Group on Demographic Dynamics at the Centre for Human and Social Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence and is a Doctor-member of the Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Studies in Madrid. She has been associate professor at Suffolk University (Madrid) and visiting professor at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcellona, the UPNA in Navarra and the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, where she has taught undergraduate and master's degree courses in Social Demography and Sociology of the Family. Her lines of research include fertility, the formation of (new) families in advanced societies, the interrelation of educational, labour and family trajectories for women and men, and the new role of men in family dynamics from an international perspective. Her research has been published in European Sociological Review, Journal of Family Issues, Population and Development Review, European Societies, and Demographic Research, among other journals. She has participated in numerous projects funded by the Spanish National R&D Plan, FP6 and FP7. She has also been PI of several projects, most recently on the role of men in family dynamics and the challenge of low fertility. She is currently leading the ULTRALOW project: “Present and future of ultralow fertility societies around the globe: A comparative study of Spain, South Korea and Uruguay.”

Sociología de la familia; Demografía social; Ciencias Sociales.


Cebolla-Boado, H., Suárez-Vergne, A., Castro-Martín, T., and Martín-García, T. (2025). Birth Weight in a Warming World: Investigating the Protective Role of the “Health Immigrant Effect” against Extreme Heat. Population and Development 47: 13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11111-025-00482-x ["OPEN ACCESS"]

Martín-García, T., and Solera, C. (2023). Does What the Man Studies Affect What He Does at Home? Field of Education and Gender Division of Housework and Childcare in Norway, Austria and Poland. Journal of Family Studies 29 (4): 1465-1492.   DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2022.2051726 [“OPEN ACCESS”]

Cordero-Coma, J., Seiz, M., Martín-García, T., and Castro-Martín, T. (2023). Child Support after Marital and Cohabitation Dissolution in Spain [La manutención de los hijos después de la ruptura de parejas casadas y no casadas]. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS) 182: 3-22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5477/cis/reis.182.3 [“OPEN ACCESS”]

Martín-García, T., Seiz, M., and Castro-Martín, T. (2023). Ideals and Norms Related to Fatherhood in Europe: A Comparative Perspective from the European Social Survey. Journal of Family Research 35: 17-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20377/jfr-795 [“OPEN ACCESS”]

Seiz, M., Castro-Martín, T., Cordero, J., and Martín-García, T. (2022). La evolución de las normas sociales relativas a las transiciones familiares en España. Revista Española de Sociología 31 (2): a106. DOI: 10.22325/fes/res.2022.106 [“OPEN ACCESS”]

Pardo, I., Martín-García, T., Castro-Martín, T., and Cabella, W. (2020). Fatherhood after Union Breakup in Uruguay: Transitory or Life-Long Commitment? Journal of Family Issues 41 (6): 784-807. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X19882960

Solera, C. and Martín-García, T. (2020). Does the Field of Study Affect Entry into Motherhood? Evidence from Italy. Population Review 59 (1):1-25. 10.1353/prv.2020.0000

González, M.J., Lapuerta, I., Martín-García, T., and Seiz, M. (2018). Satisfaction with Work-Life Balance: Couples with Egalitarian Practices in their Transition to First-Time Parenthood in Spain. L’Année sociologique 68 (2): 341-366. https://www.cairn.info/revue-l-annee-sociologique-2018-2-page-341.htm [“OPEN ACCESS”]

Martín-García, T., Seiz, M., and Castro-Martín, T. (2017). Women’s and Men’s Education and Partnership Formation: Does the Field of Education Matter? European Sociological Review 33 (3): 393-409. DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcx047

Abril, P., Amigot, P., Botía, C., Domínguez, M., González, M.J., Jurado, T., Lapuerta, I., Martín-García, T., Monferrer, J. and Seiz, M. (2015). Egalitarian Ideals and Traditional Plans: Analysis of First-Time Parents in Spain. [Ideales igualitarios y planes tradicionales: análisis de parejas primerizas en España]. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS) 150: 3-22. DOI: 10.5477/cis/reis.150.3 [“OPEN ACCESS”]

Laplante, B., Castro-Martín, T., Cortina, C., and Martín-García, T. (2015). Childbearing with Marriage and Consensual Union in Latin America, 1980-2010. Population and Development Review 41 (1): 85-108. http://www.jstor.org/stable/24639397

Martín-García, T. (2013). Romulus and Remus or Just Neighbours? A Study of Demographic Changes and Social Dynamics in Italy and Spain. Population Review 52 (1), Special Collection 4: 1-24. 10.1353/prv.2013.0000

Martín-García, T., and Castro-Martín, T. (2013). Do Women Working in the Public Sector Have It Easier to Become Mothers in Spain? Population Review 52 (1), Special Collection 4: 149-171. 10.1353/prv.2013.0008

Castro-Martín, T., Cortina, C., Martín-García, T. and Pardo, I. (2011). Maternidad sin matrimonio en América Latina: Análisis comparativo a partir de datos censales. Notas de Población 93: 37-76. https://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/12888

Martín-García, T. (2010). The Impact of Occupational Sex-Composition and Women’s Fertility in Spain. European Societies 12 (1): 113-133. DOI: 10.1080/14616690802474366

Martín-García, T. (2009). “Bring Men Back in”: A Re-examination of the Impact of Type of Education and Educational Enrolment on First Births in Spain. European Sociological Review 25 (2): 199-213. DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcn041

Rosero-Bixby, L., Castro-Martín, T., and Martín-García, T. (2009) Is Latin America Starting to Retreat from Early and Universal Childbearing? Demographic Research 20 Art.9: 169-194. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2009.20.9 [“OPEN ACCESS”]

Castro-Martín, T., Domínguez-Folgueras, M., and Martín-García, T. (2008). Not Truly Partnerless: Non-Residential Partnerships and Retreat from Marriage in Spain. Demographic Research 18, Art.16: 443-468. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.18.16 [“OPEN ACCESS”]

Martín-García, T. (2008). A Reassessment of the Role of Women’s Education in Existing Fertility Research. Genus 64 (1/2): 131-157. https://www.jstor.org/stable/41430838

Baizán, P., and Martín-García, T. (2006). Endogeneity and Joint Determinants of Educational Enrollment and First Birth Timing in France and West Germany. Genus 62 (2): 89-117. http://www.jstor.org/stable/29789311

Martín-García, T., and Baizán, P. (2006). The Impact of the Type of Education and of Educational Enrollment on First Births. European Sociological Review 22 (3): 259-276. DOI: 10.1093/esr/jci056

Proyectos de investigación

Ongoing research project(s)

Present and future of ultralow fertility societies around the globe: A comparative study of Spain, South Korea and Uruguay

A new project of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) with other participating entities: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Universität Wien, Universidad de la República Uruguay, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Yonsei University, INRS-University Québec.

It has received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant PID2022-141785OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ and by ‘ERDF A way of making Europe’).

This project aims at examining childbearing behaviour, reproductive intentions and perceived constraints using a birth-order-specific approach, as well as contrasting women and men's perspectives in Spain, South Korea and Uruguay, three of the world's lowest fertility countries. The comparison of these so different but so alike countries in terms of lowest-low fertility is both novel and necessary to improve understanding of how cultural, economic and institutional contexts influence childbearing decisions. Some of the hypotheses to be investigated are clearly innovative, since the ultra-low fertility in countries as diverse as Spain, South Korea and Uruguay demands that many of the traditional assumptions and postulates used in demographic theories be reassessed. The ultimate aim of the project is to determine whether, despite different degrees, paces and timing, the Second Demographic Transition paradigm is generalizable beyond the developed world to explain changes in gender relations and in the family, reproductive, educational and employment trajectories of individuals.

The originality of this scientific proposal lies in how fertility and family-related issues will be addressed: (a) using an integrated approach that brings together life course, gender and social stratification focuses; (b) analysing the intersection between individuals’ reproductive biographies with their conjugal, educational and employment biographies; (c) including both women and men in the analysis; and (d) applying event history analysis techniques as statistical tools.

To know more about this research, go to the project web page or follow us in twitter

I-LINK Project
Far apart yet close together in the lowest fertility rankings: A comparative study of family dynamics in South Korea and Spain

A grant awarded by the Spanish National Reseearch Council (CSIC) in the framework of the I-LINK programme for the promotion of CSIC's international scientific collaboration with foreign institutions.

Funding entity: Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Ref. I-LINK 23040).
Participating entities: CSIC, Princeton University, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Yonsei University.
Duration: 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2025.                 
Co-IPs: Young-Mi Kim and James Raymo. 

    Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia

    Teresa Castro Martín; Teresa Martín García; Julia Cordero; Marta Seiz (2021). ¿Cómo mejorar la natalidad en España?. Estudios sobre la Economía Española.
    Martín-García, T. (2019). Crítica del Libro ¿Existe el amor maternal? Historia del amor maternal. Siglos XVII al XX, de Elisabeth Badinter. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales, 18, 1-.
    Solera, C.; Martín-García, T. (2020). Does the Field of Study Affect Entry into Motherhood? Evidence from Italy. Population Review, 59, 1-25.
    Pardo, I.; Martín-García, T.; Castro-Martín, T.; Cabella, W. (2020). Fatherhood after Union Breakup in Uruguay: Transitory or Life-Long Commitment?. JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES, 41, 784-807.
    Seiz, M.; Castro-Martín, T.; Cordero, J.; Martín-García, T. (2022). La evolución de las normas sociales relativas a las transiciones familiares en España. Revista Española de Sociología, 31, 1-28.
    M.José González; Irene Lapuerta; Teresa Martín-García; Marta Seiz (2018). Satisfaction with Work-Life Balance: Couples with Egalitarian Practices in their Transition to First-Time Parenthood in Spain. L'Annee Sociologique, 68, 341-366.
    González, M.J.; Lapuerta, I.; Martín-García, T.; and Seiz, M. (2018). Anticipating and Practicing Fatherhood in Spain. En Fathers, Childcare and Work: Cultures, Practices and Policies (pp. 17-44). Editorial: Research Media / Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
    Teresa Castro-Martín; Teresa Martín-García; Julia Cordero; Marta Seiz; Cristina Suero (2021). Las causas de la muy baja fecundidad en la España actual. En Invasión migratoria y envejecimiento demográfico. Dos mitos contemporáneos. (pp. 97-121). Editorial: CATARATA, Los Libros de la.
    Seiz, M.; González, M.J.; Jurado-Guerrero, T.; Lapuerta, I.; Martín-García, T. (2019). Non-normative Couples in Spain: Mothers' Career Commitment, Fathers' Work Arrangements, and Egalitarian Ideology. En New Parents in Europe. Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies (pp. 169-186). Editorial: Edward Elgar Publishing.